Source code for earthpy

"""Utility functions for the working with spatial data."""

from pkg_resources import resource_string
import json
from .io import Data

[docs]def load_epsg(): """ A function to return a dictionary of EPSG code to Proj4 string mappings. This function supports calling epsg['code-here']. Return ------ epsg: dictionary The epsg dictionary contains mappings of EPSG integer string codes to Proj4 strings. Example ------- >>> import earthpy as et >>> # Get Proj4 string for EPSG code 4326 >>> et.epsg['4326'] '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs' """ epsg = json.loads( resource_string("earthpy", "example-data/epsg.json").decode("utf-8") ) return epsg
data = Data() epsg = load_epsg()