Get Started With EarthPy

EarthPy is a python package devoted to working with spatial and remote sensing data. EarthPy also contains an IO module that supports downloading data for the Earth Lab earth analytics courses and any user with a url and a zip file.

EarthPy Module and Function Documentation

All functions are included in the 5 earthpy modules:

  • spatial

  • plot

  • clip

  • mask

  • io

Install EarthPy


Earthpy has several Python package dependencies including : rasterio, geopandas, numpy. The easiest way to install EarthPy is to use the .. _Python: earth-analytics-python conda environment . This will ensure that you have all of the required dependencies needed to run EarthPy.

Alternatively, to install EarthPy, use pip. --upgrade is optional but it ensures that the package overwrites when you install and you have the current version. If you don’t have the package yet you can still use the --upgrade argument.

pip install earthpy

Once EarthPy is installed you can import it into python.

>>> import earthpy as et

You can also chose to import any of the individual modules as follows:

>>> import earthpy.spatial as es
>>> import earthpy.plot as ep
>>> import earthpy.clip as ec
>>> import earthpy.mask as em


EarthPy contains a helper class that supports downloaded sets of pre-created data subsets designed for the Earth Lab Earth Analytics online courses (see You can access these data subsets by using:

>>> import earthpy as et
>>> # View all available data keys
Available Datasets: ['california-rim-fire', 'co-flood-extras', 'cold-springs-fire', 'cold-springs-modis-h5', 'colorado-flood', 'cs-test-landsat', 'cs-test-naip', 'ndvi-automation', 'spatial-vector-lidar', 'vignette-landsat']
>>> # Download data subset to your `$HOME/earth-analytics/data` directory
>>> data ='cold-springs-fire', verbose=False)